Friday, March 13, 2009

Planning to Buy a Modified Car: Finding Modified Car Insurance

Looking for modified car insurance online? Modified cars take work. Do your homework and plan for additional expenses. Don't "forget" to tell your insurance company that the Mitsubishi 3000 GT that you just bought is a VR4. If you aren't paying for coverage you don't have it. Wreck that shiny new hot rod and settle for a 2 wheel drive replacement with about 230hp instead of 300+. Modified cars are not usually covered for their add ons unless you specifically ask your insurance agent for additional coverage, but be prepared to pay for it. Owning a modified car is not cheap, but if you are like me it is worth every penny spent on insurance premiums, premium gas, new mods, and replacement parts.

Here are some tips for saving money on modified car insurance:
  • Buy a standard model of the car you like and build it how you want it. This only works if in the event of an accident you plan to replace the add ons out of your own pocket.
  • Ask your agent for a higher deductible. Deductibles can be changed to offset the risk of the season. If you plan to drive in rainy weather or snowy months lower your deductible and raise it when the weather clears. You are more likely to get in an accident when the weather is bad.
  • Storage insurance can save you a lot of money if you plan on not driving your hot rod for a while.
  • Don't make a claim for every little scratch. When you own a modified car you have to plan to spend money on it. Paying for less expensive repairs out of your own pocket can save you a lot of money on your premium in the long run.
  • Look for certain models that may carry a safe vehicle discount. This can save you as much as 15% on your insurance premium.
  • Some of the best insurance companies online consider color as a factor when they figure your premium. Even if yours doesn't, cops target red vehicles and tickets raise your premium.
  • Used cars are often cheaper to insure than new cars.
When considering buying a modified car it is smart to look for the best sports car insurance online so you're not spending a lot of money on your insurance. Don't expect to get something for free when it comes to your coverage. If you're not paying for the coverage you want, you're not getting it.